Ken Calvert. B.Sc. 

M.N.Z.W.W.A. A.N.Z.I.G.E. 

Curriculum Vitae

Welcome to my home page for Summer 2023.

I am a retired Soil Microbiologist, Energy & Wastes Treatment Engineer, but still active, with over 40 years of experience in Coffee.

I have worked on producing :

  • Biogas from coffee waste waters by UASB & EGSB.
  • Biogas from coffee waste solids by classical digestion.
  • Fertiliser from coffee wastes; Alcohol from Coffee Wastes;
  • Growing Exotic Mushrooms on Coffee Wastes; Lots of Species;
  • High Protein Feedlot Silage from coffee wastes.
  • Single Cell Protein from coffee waste waters.
  • Sustainable/Organic Propagation of Coffee.
  • By products from coffee.
  • Organic coffee production by 'Sustainable' 'Conservation Agriculture'
  • Organic culture by soil transformation using 'Soil Food Webs'
  • Tissue culture for mass propagation from limited stock of new varieties.
  • Design of Coffee Factories.
  • Coffee Drying Technology.
  • Mechanization of Coffee Husbandry.
  • Moveable Small Holder Factories with plastic tanks; One man coffee factories.
  • Electronic security and control systems, as related to coffee.



for details.


However, my main line of work nowadays, is in assisting coffee projects in underdeveloped areas. As a one man band I can work in those areas that larger consulting companies are not interested in, or are just too expensive.

I have now semi-retired, back to my home in the south of New Zealand where I am still working in Soil Microbiology, Dairy Waste Water Treatment Systems, and Earthworms. See my publications for the various sectors of my experience and expertise.

Previous experience

During the 1990s I completed a 10 year term at the Papua New Guinea Coffee Research Institute, as Prin.Res.Scientist for Coffee Processing. (Ref.) For details of the PNG CIC CRI, see www.coffeecorp.org.pg and their email address is: cofres@datec.net.pg

Since then I have worked on projects in Tanzania, Vietnam, Honduras, New Caledonia, India.  See, GTZ Vietnam Coffee, that of course is just part of the bigger picture, Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association for details.

From 1983-1989 I was also engaged by the Commonwealth Secretariat to work on regeneration of Pacific Coral Atolls. To see this, look at the bottom of my Publications page.

If you have some questions regarding coffee processing and technology,
you can reach me by E-Mail at renertech@xtra.co.nz
I will be pleased to give you free desktop assistance, to identify and isolate your particular problems of the moment
and advise where to look for solutions.

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